Page 42 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 42

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                       INKWOOD RESEARCH
            42 Germany


                                                                               •  Healthy baked goods options
                                                                                 continue to see growing
                                                                                 demand. Packaged and
                                                                                 unpackaged bread types
                                                                                 positioned as healthier, such as
               GERMANY                                                           those with whole grains, high
               Capital                                 Berlin                    protein, fiber, and vitamins,
                                                                                 continue to see a rise in
               Population                              84,371,515 (2022)
                                                                                 popularity. Also, processed
               GDP (in US$ billion)                    US$4223.12 (2021)         bread types such as toast and
               Expenditures spent on food (%)          10.72% (2018)             sandwich bread increasingly
                                                                                 feature additional healthy
               Expenditure on food per capita (US$)    US$2,562.9 (2018)
               Source: Inkwood Research
                                                                               Recent developments/packaging
                                                                               innovations/product launches/
                                                                               marketing campaigns
            Key trends of bakery ingredients &   •  As many Germans' health    •  In September 2021, the Swiss
            baked goods observed in country     awareness has grown, there have   Valora Group plans to grow
            •  As a response to the COVID-19    been several improvements in     its food service business in
               crisis, grocery retailers have   baked goods such as vegan and    Germany by acquiring Back-
               focused on packaged bread.       protein-rich items, as well as new   Factory, a German snack
               It is considered to be more      ingredients such as hemp.        professional and system caterer
               hygienic than unpackaged bread                                    with over 80 locations.
               has taken on extra significance   •  E-commerce continues to
               among consumers. This has        experience high value sales    •  New products with sophisticated
               boosted product types such       growth, owing mostly to increased   ingredients offering nutritional
               as white toast bread within      customer use of this channel     benefits or targeting special diets
               packaged leavened bread.         over the lockdown months.        such as vegan and protein-rich are

            Product Analysis – bakery ingredients

               Germany baked goods market, by product, 2021 (US$ Million)
               20000                                                                           1435.2
                18000                        4117.3           255.7           626.2
                14000      12153.6
                            Bread           Cakes         Dessert Mixes    Frozen baked       Pastries
               Source: Inkwood Research

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