Page 45 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 45

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                                                                                    INKWOOD RESEARCH  45

               Greece baked goods, brand share analysis,         Greece baked goods, market share analysis,
               2021 (in %)                                       2021 (in %)
              100%    87.7%                                    100%
               90%                                              90%     85.2%
               80%                                              80%
               70%                                              70%
               60%                                              60%
               50%                                              50%
               40%                                              40%

               30%                                              30%
               20%                                              20%                                      7.9%
               10%         1.0%  1.0%  1.1%  1.1%  2.4%  2.4%  3.3%  10%    1.0%  1.0%  1.1%  2.0%  2.4%  3.5%  3.8%
                0%                                               0%
                      Others  Chrisi Zimi  Alfa  Lidl  7 Days  Papadopoulou  Kris Kris  Karamolegos  Others  Barba Stathis  Alfa Koukoutar  Lidl  Chipita  Papadopoulos  Karamolegos  Elbisco

               Source: Inkwood Research                          Source: Inkwood Research

               incorporating zea flour will     customers that the product has   Kris, 7 Days, Lidl, and Elite, are the
               gain from the combination        no additives or preservatives   top brands in Greece.
               of customer interest in local    and is created entirely of natural
               ingredients and increased        ingredients.                  On the other hand, Elbisco Group,
               health-consciousness.                                          Karamolegos SA, Papadopoulos EJ
                                             Key players and brands in baked   SA, Chipita SA, Lidl Hellas & Co EE,
            •  Karamolegos uses a clean label   goods industry                Bingo AE, among others, are the
               approach for its bread, informing   Karamolegos, Papadopoulou, Kris   key companies. n

               Greece bakery ingredients market, by type, 2020 (‘000 tonnes)

                                                    l Flours                                        395.14
                                                    l Sweeteners                                     19.19
                                                    l Fats and oils                                  19.05
                                                    l Milk                                            3.81
                                                    l Cocoa powder and liquor                         1.39
                                                    l Emulsifiers and Co-emulsifiers                  2.02
                                                    l Flavours                                        0.07
                                                    l Enzymes                                        0.04
                                                    l Other bakery ingredients                     253.20

               Source: Inkwood Research

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