Mililk now available at Penny

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mililk now available at Penny

Germany's Food Innovation of the Year comes from the 2D printer and has been delighting thousands of fans for months: the gluten-free organic Mililk® Oat Barista milk alternative in sheet form saves 94% packaging waste and 85% weight compared to products in milk cartons. The sustainable product is now available at Penny.

Under the Food For Future brand, the organic Mililk® Barista is now on promotion in all Penny stores. Initially, 2 litre packs with the printed sheets made from gluten-free organic oats (grown in Europe) in barista quality will be available.

No lugging, easy and quick preparation, little storage space, long shelf life and almost no waste – these are the more than convincing arguments for the sustainable success of this innovation. Mililk® consists of only 5 natural ingredients, requires no chemicals or preservatives and is always prepared fresh as required, which prevents food waste.

Mililk® can not only be used to create mueslis, bowls, shakes, cocktails and, thanks to its barista quality, every conceivable coffee variation, it is also an excellent alternative to cooking cream for cooking and baking.

Existing customers and the first Mililk® testers describe the organic Mililk® Oat Barista gluten-free as "the best alternative on the market". Now even more customers can convince themselves of the quality and flavour of this product in their Penny Market.

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